Kamis, 21 April 2016

Assignments 2

       I.            Active and Passive Sentences
1.      Passive sentence terdiri dari subjek, predikat, dan juga object. Lebih jelasnya pengertian passive sentence ialah suatu kata kerja yang tidak menunjukan aksi dan hanya bertindak sebagai penerima aksi atau recipient action.
Rumus :
a.       Simple present tense
Subject + Verb 1(s/es) + Object (Aktif)
Object + To be (are/am/is) + Verb 3 + Subject
b.      Simple past tense
Subject + Verb 2 + Object (Aktif)
Object + To be (was/were) + Verb 3 + Subject
c.       Present Continous Tense
Subject + To be (are/am/is) + Verb-ing + Object (Aktif)
Object + To be (are/am/is) + being + Verb 3 + Subject
Example :
·         The bike was stole by the thief
·         The floor was cleaned by Rani
·         The math was being learned by the student
·         Volleyball are played by us
·         The cake was made by mother
2.      Active Sentences adalah kalimat dimana subject nya melakukan pekerjaan, kebalikan dari passive sentences yang dimana subject nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active sentences lebih sering ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive sentences
Rumus :

Example :
·         Rani clean the floor
·         The thief stole the bike
·         The student learning the math
·         We played Volleyball
·         Mother make a cake

    II.            RELATIVE CLAUSES
Relative clauses adalah anak kalimat yang memodifikasi noun ( kata benda ) atau noun phrase
Example :
·         The boy who is sitting in the manager
The noun the boy dimodifikasi oleh the relative clause “who is sitting”
Relative clauses memberikan informasi penting untuk menjelaskan atau mengidentifikasi orang-orang atau benda yang sedang kita bicarakan
Relative clause dapat dibagi menjadi :
1.      A relative pronoun : Who, Whom, Which, That, Whose
2.      A relative adverb : Where, Why, and When
Contoh paragraf yang mengandung Relative Clause
Between love and friendship, friendship is always the more logical choice to go with. Why? It's a simple utilitarian reason, the damage will be less, people will suffer less, and ultimately, no one will hurt the way lovers hurt when they break up. Thus, friends who fall in love with each other more often than not choose friendship and throw love away on the side. Some brave souls on the other hand, choose love over friendship, thinking that their friendship is worth risking to go up to the next level.

Conditional sentences adalah kalimat majemuk yang dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengan subordinate conjuction If berupa condition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).
Rumus umum:
If + Condition, result/consequence
Ada 3 Tipe Conditional sentences
1.      Tipe 1 (mungkin dipenuhi)
Rumus :
If + Simple Present, will + bare infinitive
Example :
Ø  If I meet him, I will introduce myself
Ø  If I get last rank, I will study hard
Ø  If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car
Ø  If I meet Joni, I will invite him to come to my party tonight
Ø  If they practice hard, they will win the game
2.      Tipe 2 (tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin)
Rumus :
If + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
Ø  If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day
Ø  If I were you, I would accept that job offer
Ø  If I got high score in the final examination, my mother would give me a nice present
Ø  My brothe would buy me a new handphone if he got a job in foreign company
Ø  If Joni asked for help, I would help him

3.      Tipe 3 (tidak mungkin dipenuhi)
Rumus :
If + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle
Example :
Ø  If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party
Ø  If I had read that book, I would understand the theory well
Ø  If I were studying in the south korea, I would be living together with my brother
Ø  If  I had prepared some snacks several hours ago, I would not be hungry right now

Ø  If I not sick, I would going to school today

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